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 NIFFT has long been known as the launching portal for the engineers with vision. It is the only institute in South Asia specializing in foundry and forge technology. With the expansion of the institute, the instructions in the allied fields such as material science and metallurgical technology, manufacturing technology, environmental engineering and information technology has also received impetus. NIFFT faculty and students work together in cutting edges of their area, developing and applying the latest in the technological achievements. Moreover, acquisition of sophisticated instruments like X-ray Diffractometer, Scanning Electron Microscope, Metallurgical Image Analyzer etc., over the years have provided further boost to research and teaching in aforementioned areas. Strong ties with industries and availability of the latest state-of-the-art facilities in the area of the production research profession keep our programs on the fore front of development. The management of the institute is vested with the Board of Governors, with Chairman at its apex and members representing Govt. of India (Ministry of HRD), AICTE, Private and Public Enterprises, Technical and R&D Institutions.



Manufacturing Engineering: 4 years .
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.: 4years


Manufacturing Engineering.:1.5 years
Foundry and Forge Technology: 1.5 years


Foundry Technology: 1.5 years
Forge Technology: 1.5 years

Continuing Education:

Short Term Refresher Courses

Unit based programs on request of various industries.


Manufacturing Engineering:

Manufacturing Technology is one of the latest technologies to have been imported from the U.S. of A. as a specialized Engineering branch. It was first opened in the IITs at Delhi and Kharagpur. It was opened in NIFFT in 1991.
Manufacturing Engineering is concerned with the integration of management concepts and computers in production technology. The job of a manufacturing engineer involves activities beginning with the design of the product, selection of the suitable material right till the labeling of finished product. He/she has to decide the combination of manufacturing processes which will be used for manufacture of the product most economically and efficiently. For near optimal performance, a manufacturing engineer has now become increasingly dependent upon Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Expert Systems and Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing techniques.  Furthermore he has to implement these manufacturing processes in an automated assembly line.

Metallurgy and Materials Sciences:

Metallurgy has from time immemorial been one of the corner-stones of Engineering and Technology. This department, the Metallurgy and Materials Science Engineering was started in 1998 in NIFFT.
The main objective of a metallurgical engineer is to monitor the extraction and processing of metals in the most economic and viable methods. The undergraduates of this trade have an edge over the traditional metallurgical engineers. This fact is credited to the Materials Science department which provides a perfect blend of Polymer and Ceramic engg. in addition to the conventional Metallurgical engg. Computer simulation techniques and state-of-the-art process analysis of complicated metallurgical processes by the nerds of this branch have made many a breakthrough possible.


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Last modified: March 25, 2001