For few good things, word-of-mouth publicity isn't quite enough. JINKS, being one of this rare breed, has relied heavily on the good old print media. What follows is the list of national and local dailies which will bring to your footstep the build-up to JINKS 2003.
We are grateful to our beloved sponsers who have made our JINKS a sucess. We have always returned back there faith and love in us by respect. We have given respect to our sponsers by many ways ( it's in the heart ) one of them is by naming events on there name. For Jinks 2002, we had the following named events.
Along with naming of the events, hoarding ,displaying the names of the sponsorers was put up near the firayalal complex and many prominant places in Ranchi. The posters carried the names, and were posted at many important places.